Creating awareness at all levels, sensitize, advocate and mobilize society to respond to human transformation and development issues affecting the vulnerable, specifically women and youth in Ghana and abroad
Facilitating and fast track the process of the development and integration of communities and in the process to redress socio-economic imbalances: Establishing a firm partnership with Districts, Regional, National and international institutions, based on the principle of mutual respect for each other’s authority and role.
Creating economically vibrant community where its residents live decently. FINHDA must provide a platform to build partnership amongst all sectors of the community and including efficient and effective public sector, and to ensure that all stakeholders act in unison for the common good of the people of Ghana and abroad.
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According to the World Giving Index 2018, 63% of people in the UK helped a stranger last year. Why not carry on the trend and hold a door open, give up your seat on the train?
Giving unwanted toys to those less fortunate, smiling at someone on the street, holding doors open for people or visiting a sick relative is still charity because it warms someone's heart.
Spare a thought for those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation. Use our charity search to donate to a homeless charity near you.
Charities really appreciate volunteers and there are likely to be organisations in your community that could use an extra pair of helping hands.
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A little help with a little smile gives meaning to human life.” “Help those less fortunate than you, for it is real human existence.”
Our Events
A Successful Transition From School to Work Through Transformative Leadershsip. AUGUST 2025 ABUJA LAGOS 4th - 8th 11th - 15th ACCRA KUMASI 25th - 29th 18th - 22nd
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It is the way of life. Perhaps you are changing the lives of those around you, and yet you are unaware of. Your smile, your voluntary work, helping a friend, etc. all this makes a difference.